Introduction Introduction LandlordMax allows you to keep track of all your expenses and revenues through Accounting Entries. You can then generate...
Creating a New One-Time Accounting Entry Create the Entry To create a new one-time Accounting Entry, go in the Accounting menu, select Accounting Entries, and then select Accounting...
Creating a New Scheduled Accounting Entry Introduction and video Scheduled Accounting Entries are how you define your recurring transactions such as rents, utility bills, mortgage payments, and...
Partial Payments What is a Partial Payment? Partial Payments are for when you want to apply a partial payment to a transaction. A...
Leases Create a lease Leases can be found in the Tenant section of the software in the Tenant’s screen, under the...
Why do my tenant’s rent still show up in the Suggested Entries after the Tenant has moved out? Your tenant has moved out, you updated their Status to Past in the tenant’s screen, and entered an Ending Date...
How do I manage multiple tenants for one unit? There are two options to manage multiple tenants in the same unit, and we generally recommend you select the option...