How do I enter in a Partial Payment? Partial payments is also now a full section on its own. Click here to view it.
How do I enter in Security Deposits for Accounting purposes? Security deposits are recorded with the leases information. Go into the Tenants entry, click the Leases subsection, then either click New if it’s a new...
Why do my tenant’s rent still show up in the Suggested Entries after the Tenant has moved out? Your tenant has moved out, you updated their Status to Past in the tenant’s screen, and entered an Ending Date...
How do I manage multiple tenants for one unit? There are two options to manage multiple tenants in the same unit, and we generally recommend you select the option...
What is the refund policy? LandlordMax has FREE 30-day trial of the software that allows you to try the functionality of the software before you...
Why can’t I see the full screen? How can I zoom in or zoom out? Different computers and devices, especially mobile devices such as iPhones or smaller laptops can have smaller screens in which case...
How do I reset my password? Should you happen to forget your password you can always reset your password by entering in your email address in...