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Searching and Data Filters


All tables can be searched and filtered so that you can limit the number of entries in your view list to only those entries you’re interested in. You can find searching in pretty much every table whereas data filtering is mainly for the accounting tables. That being said searching and filtering are extremely powerful and when correctly used can help you isolate entries very quickly and powerfully.

The video above covers how to search and filter your entries in addition to including some tips and hints on how to improve your searching skills.

** IMPORTANT: Please note that searches are not remembered and reset on page load but that Data Filters are remembered and NOT reset on page load. With that in mind if you are ever looking for something that doesn’t appear to be in the list the first thing to do is confirm if you have any searches or data filters setup, and if so remove them. Most likely what is happening is that the entry you are looking for is being filtered out by the Search field and/or the Data Filters. You should still do this even if the entry should be visible with the filters in case there is ever a data entry error.

Data Filters

Data filters are similar to searching in that they help isolate the data to what you are interested in. The main difference is that data filters are remembered, so if you go to another page, another section of the software, or even close your computer for the day and come back another day, the data filters you set will be remembered. Data filters can almost be viewed as more commonly used searches, meaning you’re basically saving yourself from entering in the same search values over and over.

A common example would be to set the data filters to only show late revenues due last month which in essence most likely be equal to filtering the data to only show late rents (and parking fees, etc.) that were due last month. You could even expand this further to due this year so that the list includes more than just last month. You could similarly set the filters to show only unpaid revenues due this month which would similarly show all rents still outstanding this month. The data filters allow you to quickly limit the bulk of the data which you can then further filter with searching. Of course you can just use searching by itself without any data filters, it really depends on what you want to do. This is where the above video adds some hints and tips on how and when to combine the data filters and searching and when to use just searching or just data filters.

Going back a bit, as you can see above you can use more than one data filter at a time (as well as combing data filters with searching). If you have a Data Filter applied you will see a green circle as shown by the in the above two screenshots (the second being a zoomed in version of the other screenshot). This number indicates both that data filters are applied as well as how many data filters are applied. If there are no data filters applied then there will be no green circle.

You can see what data filters have been applied by clicking on Filters which will bring up the popup menu shown in . Each filter that is applied will have a checkbox in front of it. You can apply multiple filters but only one from each section. For example you can apply the revenues or expenses filters but you can’t apply them both at the same time because that wouldn’t make sense as it would filter out all the entries.

To reset all the filters, that is remove all the filters in on step, select the “Clear All Filters” option from the popup menu when you click on Filters.

** IMPORTANT: Again if you ever can’t find any entry it is important to first clear all filters (and empty the search field) in case they are filtering out the entry you’re looking for. You should still do this even if the entry should be visible with the filters in case there is ever a data entry error.

General Searching

As mentioned above a quick way to enhance the searching capabilities is to also use the data filters. So for example if you’re looking for an entry on a specific date and you want to limit to just entries that are paid or unpaid then you can apply data filters as explained in the above Data Filter section.

Searches are “and” searches, meaning that the software will only list entries that match all values in the search field. Please note that the values can match across different columns, including hidden columns. So for example if you search for “Stove” and there is the word “Stove” in the Notes section then this entry will appear in the resulting list. This is very important to keep in mind if you search for “1” for example because “1” can appear in dates, amounts, notes, and other columns.

TIP: If you want to say search the accounting entries for a specific tenant such as “John Smith” you can try to search for “John Smith” but should there still be more entries than you expect you could further include their building to help isolate the searching. Should that not yield the results you’re expecting than you can also go to the Tenant’s screen directly and search within that Tenant’s list of accounting entries as these will already be limited to just that tenant. In other words in addition to the search field and the data filters you can also perform the searches in the different sections of the software.

** IMPORTANT: Again if you ever can’t find any entry it is important to first clear all filters and empty the search field in case they are filtering out the entry you’re looking for. You should still do this even if the entry should be visible with the filters in case there is ever a data entry error.

Date Searches

Date searches can be much more advanced than just entering in a date. You can search for partial dates in addition to a specific date (05/08/2024), for example a month (all entries in May), a year (all entries in 2024), or both a month and year (May 2024), and so on. The software can also find partial dates, meaning that as you enter in the date it will find all entries match up to that value. Please note however that partial entries are going to match your date format, meaning that if you search for “01/03” the month and date will depend on which format you have set (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy). That being said the software has some extra capabilities when you type in the month, regardless of the date format you selected.

Please note that date searches are applied to all fields in the software. Meaning in the accounting entries table this means it’s applied to both the Date Due and Date Paid columns. So if you search for a date on Jan 1, 2024 it will look for entries that have a Date Paid or Date Due on Jan 1, 2024. This is where adding Data Filters an improve your search results in that you can isolate the entries to just those that are paid or just those that are Due.

Date searches can be used to search for a range of dates, with the most common search being showing all the entries for a specific month. As a result they have two fields, the first being the Start Date and the other being the End Date.

If you want to search for all entries due in May 2021 then you would enter in May 1, 2021 in the first field and May 31, 2021 in the second field as shown in the screenshot above.

If you want to search for all entries after today then you would simply just enter in today’s date in the Start Date field (the first field) and it would show all entries for today and later (as there is no End Date). Similarly if you want to search for all entries before today you would enter in today’s date in the End Date search field.

Text Searches

As mentioned in the General Searching section text searches will match any part of the text in the search field to any part of the text in the entries, including hidden columns. Meaning for example if you search for “Bob” then it will list all entries that have “Bob” anywhere in any column. This means that “Bob Smith” would match but so too would “Apple Bob”, “bobbing for apples” as they all contain “Bob”.

Searches are also case insensitive meaning that if you were ever to make a typo and enter in “bob” it will also find “Bob”.

Number Searches

Number searches will also match any part of the number in the search field. Meaning for example if you search for “234” will list all entries that have “234” anywhere in the column. This means that “234” would match but so too would “234.00”, “1234.00”, and “234.65” as they all contains “234”. If the entry was just “23” then this could also match with dates (the 23rd of the month) as well as the year “2023” as it contains “23”.

** TIP: Therefore usually when you are searching for a number, unless it’s a very specific and unique amount, you’ll probably also want to include either some data filters and/or something else in the search field such as a date, the tenant, building, and so on.

Updated on October 7, 2024
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